The National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional) is a public institute integrated in the indirect administration of the State, with administrative, financial and pedagogical autonomy.
ANQEP has oversight and joint supervision of the Ministries of Education, and of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Maritime Affairs.
This Agency’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of the qualification levels of young people and adults in Portugal, promoting both a growing demand for school and professional qualifications (double certification) at the non-tertiary level, as well as an offer of initial and lifelong training that is broadly attractive, of quality and relevant to the labour market (Decree-Law No. 36/2012, of 15th February).
Within the scope of the National Qualifications System, ANQEP has the following attributions:
a. Design and permanently update the National Catalogue of Qualifications, an instrument which regulates non-higher level double certification qualifications;
b. Regulate and foster the offer of double certification vocational education and training aimed at young people and adults, the supply of specialised artistic education and the system for the recognition, validation and certification of Competences (RVCC), in the school and professional scope, aimed at adults;
c. Promote and guarantee the necessary information and guidance devices, the complementarity and flexibility of the vocational education and training systems and the quality of the aforementioned offers, in articulation with the other entities responsible for these matters;
d. Coordinate the design of pathways, curriculum development and specific methodologies for double certification vocational education and training, aimed at young people and adults and for RVCC processes;
e. Participate in the development of initial and continuous training standards for teachers, trainers and other professionals involved in the qualification of young people and adults;
f. Contribute to the international comparability of qualifications and mobility between vocational education and training systems for young people and adults, through representation and cooperation mechanisms at European and international level.
Consult Ordinance No. 168/2019, of 30th May, which approves the Statutes of the Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional (National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training) here.
Consult Order No. 5964/2019, of 28th June, which establishes the flexible organic units essential for the proper functioning of ANQEP, as well as establishes their competencies here.
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